On February 18, the annual Latvian music recording award ceremony, Zelta Mikrofons '23, took place at the Ķīpsala Exhibition Center, awarding musicians in 21 categories.
The ceremony hosts were Sanda Dejus and Mārtiņš Spuris, and 12 performances were performed at the ceremony concert, including premieres and collaborations. The ceremony was opened by hip-hop artists Arturs Skutelis, Rolands Če, Zeļģis, Ozols, and Gustavo.
Artists with the most awards, both physical statuettes as well as the digital NFTs, were Shipsea, Vultura and Dons. Shipsea won the Album of the Year and the Best Pop Music Album for "Apgaismo mani" (eng. - "Enlighten me"). Two Golden Microphones were also awarded to Vultura for her album "Not Your Typical Fairytale," in the Electronic or Dance Music Album and the Debut of the Year category. Dons won an award for the song "Pieskāriens" (Eng. - "Touch") in the Zelta Mikrofons '23 category of Radio Hit and Song of the Year.
The award for Lifetime Contribution to the development of Latvian music was awarded to sound engineer Augustīns Delle.

For the first time, Zelta Mikrofons '23 presented the Most Streamed Record with Elektrum category, which collected data on the most-streamed Latvian music on music websites in 2022. The song "Brāl' Ar Dzīvi Nekaulē," a collaboration between the bands Bermudu Divstūris and Apvedceļš, won the nomination. In addition, a total of 5,548.70 EUR donation was collected in the Elvi Song of the Year category, including calls and donations on the Ziedot.lv portal. Several generators will be purchased with donations and sent to Ukraine.
Elita Mīlgrāve, the author of the Zelta Mikrofons concept and a long-time producer says:
This year was special and different for Zelta Mikrofons. We took a bold step by choosing the Ķipsala exhibition centre as the venue and inviting the audience to the event. Judging by the positive and enthusiastic reviews from the musicians and the audience, this risky move has paid off. We have reached another level, and we can be proud of the result - a brilliant celebration of the music industry! I am very grateful to the great creative team and supporters, without whom such a scope would not be possible.
Zelta Mikrofons '23 laureates are:
Keitija Bārbale - "Akmens Dievs" in the Indie or Alternative Music Album category, LUPA -"KOKI//SKETCHES OF TREES" in the Jazz or Funk music Album category, Vultura - "Not Your Typical Fairytale" in Electronic or Dance Music Album and Debut Album categories, rolands če - "visurgājējs" in Hip-Hop music album category, Daumants Kalniņš, Knuts Skujenieks - "Drošinājums" in the Album of Instrumental or Cross-genre Music category, PPP - Kremerata Baltica, Kremerata Lettonica, Gidons Krēmers in the Album of Classical or Choral music category, DUENDE - "Bēdu Brāļi" in Rock or Metal music album category, KUKURAGI - Children's vocal studio "Kukuragi" and Lauris Reiniks, Markus Riva, Ieva Sutugova, Patrisha, Kaspars Markševics, Mārtiņš Strods and Agnese Širante in Music Album for Children category, Apgaismo mani - Shipsea in Pop Album and Album of the Year categories, Vintāža - "Atmiņu lāse. Latviešu estrādes piezīmes" in the Best Country Album category, Tautumeitas - "Skrejceļš" in the Folk or World Music Album category, DONS - "Tavs pieskāriens" in Song of the Year and Radio Hit categories, Finķis, PRAGII, Múr - "Sevis Mīlestība" in the Best Music Video category, Prāta vētra - "Gads bez kalendāra" in Best Concert Recording category, Bermudu Divstūris & Apvedceļš - "Brāl' Ar Dzīvi Nekaulē" in the Most Streamed Song category, Tequila band - "Burtnīca" in the Best Album Design category and Augustīns Delle in Lifetime Contribution to the Development of Latvian music.
See a glimpse of Zelta Mikrofons'23 red carpet, performances and awarded artists in the photo gallery. Photos by Ritvars Stankevičs and Edijs Andersons.